Hey gawjus, hey saucylips, hey babycakes MWAH MWAH <3
D'ya wanna like, I dunno, just grab a bite to eat and yknow like eat it, but like yknow, together? xo
Kay, down to business. I made a terrible album full of jokes for like 5 year olds and I'm gonna start posting one song a day until it's all out. Like when you squeeze the toothpaste out yeah lol
It's a comedy album, but the real comedy is how CRINGE it is HAHAHA
Seriously though, check it out if you like kind of Flight of the conchords/Weird Al kind of stuff but like yknow on a TIGHT budget (I am still a baby at mixing) (babies got to learn to walk though) (like im a baby and im learning to walk but its mix- It doesnt matter)
Here's the first one:
Here's the second :O:
Every listen will give me 1 happy thought <3 hugs and kisses